PDFium, beware

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Fri Feb 9 17:33:53 UTC 2018

Recent master --enable-pdfium has at 

> // All Blink-supported systems have 4096 sized system pages and can handle
> // permissions and commit / decommit at this granularity.
> static const size_t kSystemPageSize = 4096;

and upstream master at 
isn't much better with

> // All Blink-supported systems have 4096 sized system pages and can handle
> // permissions and commit / decommit at this granularity.
> // Loongson have 16384 sized system pages.
> #if defined(_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON)
> static const size_t kSystemPageSize = 16384;
> #else
> static const size_t kSystemPageSize = 4096;
> #endif

This causes failure e.g. on Linux aarch64 machines with 64K page size, 
"--disable-pdfium for Linux aarch64 Flatpak build", but other platforms 
may be affected, too.  (On RH internal tech-list  I got comments "NB, 
even before aarch64 came along, that code is broken because ppc64 uses a 
64kb page size by default." and "And alpha and sparc/sparc64 use 8K 
pages, for example.  Not to mention that a lot of other architectures 
have configurable page size.")

So think twice before you live with (enabled-by-default) --enable-pdfium.

Or start searching for an alternative?

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