Unit Test Failure: CppunitTest_cppcanvas_emfplus

Luke Benes lukebenes at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 17 03:11:54 UTC 2018

After https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=0d9f3f7628f88fa66aaeea1f7148db620e17e728

I'm seeing the following Unit Test Failure under Arch with both gcc and clang:

[CUT] cppcanvas_emfplus
[DEP] LNK:CppunitTest/libtest_sd_import_tests.so
[LNK] CppunitTest/libtest_sd_import_tests.so
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 
- Actual  : �

Test::testFdo77229 finished in: 1885ms
Test name: Test::testFdo77229
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 
- Actual  : �

Failures !!!
Run: 1   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:

make CppunitTest_cppcanvas_emfplus CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"
    # for interactive debugging on Linux
make CppunitTest_cppcanvas_emfplus VALGRIND=memcheck
    # for memory checking
make CppunitTest_cppcanvas_emfplus DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE
    # for exception catching

You can limit the execution to just one particular test by:

make CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testXYZ" ...above mentioned params...

make[1]: *** [/core/solenv/gbuild/CppunitTest.mk:115: /core/workdir/CppunitTest/cppcanvas_emfplus.test] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [Makefile:280: build] Error 2

Any idea why that change may have caused this regression? 

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