Implementing accessibility non-regression check tool

Samuel Thibault sthibault at
Thu Feb 22 16:22:26 UTC 2018

Michael Stahl, on jeu. 22 févr. 2018 16:59:21 +0100, wrote:
> On 22.02.2018 16:36, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> > I was more hoping that there might be an established plain Python option 
> > for XML processing?
> FWIW, there is at least xml.etree.ElementTree and xml.dom.minidom in the
> CPython bundled libs.

An issue with these is that they do not keep source line numbers of the
nodes.  That's really concerning for providing useful information to
the programmer.  We will be bothering them with new warnings that they
will have to learn about ; if we don't provide with line numbers, they
will get rightfully angry :) We could fallback to only providing the
class and id of the suspected widget. In some cases we have seen no id
defined, and thus no pointer to give to the programmer.


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