Let failed Jenkins builds set Verified: -1 in Gerrit?

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Fri Feb 23 15:33:40 UTC 2018

On 23.02.2018 16:22, Miklos Vajna wrote:
> Cloph, do you have a view on this? Could we have Jenkins set Verified-1
> on the change if the build fails to have a clear separation between "not
> yet verified" and "verified but failed" states, immediately visible from
> the dashboard?

Note that there was follow-on discussion back then, but unfortunately 
detached from the original mail thread due to missing In-Reply-To 
headers on two of David's replies, 
"Let failed Jenkins builds set Verified: -1 in Gerrit?" and 
"Let failed Jenkins builds set Verified: -1 in Gerrit?".

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