Bug 83260

Matthew J. Francis mjay.francis at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 01:51:51 UTC 2018

On 04/01/2018 09:45, Matthew J. Francis wrote:
> On 03/01/2018 17:42, Miklos Vajna wrote:


>> We raise a similar warning when deleting a header, you can probably
>> reuse that code here. And sure, clearing the undo stack instead of
>> crashing sounds like an improvement (especially if we ask the user
>> before clearing the undo stack).
> I use tracked changes on a regular basis, and would much rather this be 
> treated as "maybe difficult but important to get right" than "too hard, 
> so don't bother"


P.S. As I do switch frequently between "show" and "don't show" changes, 
being bothered with a dialog warning that my undo history is going to 
die each time actually sounds like the worst possible thing (for the 

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