[solved] Re: Build fails with `/usr/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-ld: cannot find -ljawt`

Paul Menzel pmenzel+libreoffice at molgen.mpg.de
Mon Jun 11 17:38:55 UTC 2018

Dear LibreOffice folks,

On 06/11/18 19:04, Paul Menzel wrote:

> On ppc64le with Ubuntu 18.04 and latest LibreOffice from master, the build
> fails with the error below.
> ```
> $ uname -m
> ppc64le
> $ git describe --dirtylibreoffice-5-4-branch-point-1380-gc2ce3a2dbebd
> $ git log --oneline -1c2ce3a2dbebd (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
> sw: prefix members of SwTOXInternational
> ```

That is from 2017 and not 2018, so I used outdated code. Sorry for the noise. It
now fails at a different location. ;-)


Kind regards,


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