API-CHANGE - dropping string properties which use vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject URL
sos at pmg.be
Tue Mar 13 13:13:37 UTC 2018
On 13/03/2018 13:23, Tomaž Vajngerl wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 8:54 PM, sos <sos at pmg.be> wrote:
>> Hallo Tomaž,
>> We are heavy users off the Image API so lots off code repair ahead :-)
>> Reading your blog comments, it is not clear for me where the Original
>> ImageURL (URL adress on a server) could been stored.
>> Can you add a aditional propterty to the graphicobject or to the graphic ?
>> We mostly uses a lowres images for the editing work, the Images are not
>> "linked" but stays in the document, and then just before printing we
>> replace the lowres images with Highres Images.
>> Sill we (miss) use the graphicobject "title" property to store the Orginal
>> image URL's. needed to replace lowres with highres images.
> Yes' I'll add a way to expose the URL that is contained inside the
> XGraphic or add a new interface for that so it will be possible in the
> new code to do that. Currently only VCL Graphic object has this so I
> just convert XGraphic to Graphic in filters, but that's not possible
> to do in extensions :)
Fine, you will complete our API with a tool to go from XGraphic to
Graphic !
Can you also made something less complex for translating a storedimage
to Xgraphic , now it can been done using the GraphicProvider (storing to
a Tempimage) and even more complicated when use streams.
How make a Xgraphic from stored Orginal Image.
function MakeXGraphic(originalPath,B,H)
sfile = converttoURL(originalPath)
graphic = getGraphicFromUrl(sFile)
storeGraphicToURL(graphic,B,H,converttoURL("C:\" & susername &
xgraphic = getGraphicFromUrl(converttoURL("C:\" & susername &
MakeXGraphic = xgraphic
end function
function getGraphicFromUrl(sFileUrl as String) as Object
oProvider = createUnoService("com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider")
Dim oPropsIN(1)as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
oPropsIN(0).Name = "URL"
oPropsIN(0).Value = sFileUrl
oPropsIN(1).Name = "FilterData"
oPropsIN(1).Value = aFilterData()
getGraphicFromUrl = oProvider.queryGraphic(oPropsIN())
end function
sub storeGraphicToURL(xgraphic,B,H,exportURL)
gProvider = createUnoService("com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider")
Dim bArgs(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
'creating filter data
Dim aFilterData (3) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
'properties valid for all filters
aFilterData(0).Name = "PixelWidth" '
aFilterData(0).Value = B
aFilterData(1).Name = "PixelHeight"
aFilterData(1).Value = H
'filter data for the image/jpeg MediaType
aFilterData(2).Name ="Quality"
aFilterData(2).Value = 90
aFilterData(3).Name ="ColorMode"
aFilterData(3).Value = 0
bArgs(0).Name = "URL"
bArgs(0).Value = exportURL
bArgs(1).Name = "MimeType"
bArgs(1).Value = "image/jpeg"
bArgs(2).Name = "FilterData"
bArgs(2).Value = aFilterdata
end sub
>> Greetz
>> Fenand
> Regards, Tomaž
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