StylePoolImpl::createIterator function does not take 0 arguments

himajin100000 himajin100000 at
Fri Mar 30 04:46:05 UTC 2018


I decided to try to fix the errors in the macros I have just commented
out or deleted so far, and most of them seemed successful.However one of
the errors start causing headaches on me(C++ newbie too), so the patches
is to be submitted later than I expected, neither this evening nor tonight.
====CODE 1=START(concept)===
void dump_pset(Reference< XPropertySet > const& rXPropSet){
RectanglePoint pointValue;
if (value >>= pointValue)
    SAL_INFO("sd.eppt", name << " = " << pointValue << "
====CODE 1==END====
the compiler complains that RectanglePoint can't be converted.
so I wrote
====CODE 2==START====
OUString RectanglePointToOUString(const css::drawing::RectanglePoint& rp){
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::LEFT_TOP)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("LEFT_TOP");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::MIDDLE_TOP)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("MIDDLE_TOP");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::RIGHT_TOP)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("RIGHT_TOP");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::LEFT_MIDDLE)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("LEFT_MIDDLE");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::MIDDLE_MIDDLE)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("MIDDLE_MIDDLE");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::RIGHT_MIDDLE)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("RIGHT_MIDDLE");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::LEFT_BOTTOM)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("LEFT_BOTTOM");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::MIDDLE_BOTTOM)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("MIDDLE_BOTTOM");
    if(rp == css::drawing::RectanglePoint::RIGHT_BOTTOM)
        return OUString::createFromAscii("RIGHT_BOTTOM");
    SAL_WARN("sd","Unknown RectanglePoint Value");
    return OUString::createFromAscii("");

void dump_pset(Reference< XPropertySet > const& rXPropSet){
// snip
RectanglePoint pointValue;
if (value >>= pointValue)
    SAL_INFO("sd.eppt", name << " = " <<
RectanglePointToOUString(pointValue) << "    (RectanglePoint)");
// snip
====CODE 2==END====
this thingy.
but compiler started to complain:

'LEFT_TOP':illegal qualified name in member declaration
'LEFT_TOP':undeclared identifier


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