Compiler baselines

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Fri Nov 23 07:57:52 UTC 2018

On 21/11/2018 17:42, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> If nobody objects, we'd update the build baselines on master (towards LO 
> 6.3) as follows (cf

(also discussed this in yesterday's ESC, 
"minutes of ESC call ...")

> * Windows: from Visual Studio 2017 to Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7

The relevant Windows Jenkins nodes (tb68-bytemark, tb72, tb73, tb77, and 
tb78, I assume) need to be upgraded to >= Visual Studio 2017 version 
15.7.  Who can do that?  Cloph?

(The latest available Visual Studio 2017 is version 15.9, and I have 
seen successful builds with it locally.  When installing a new version 
on the Jenkins nodes, there are pros and cons for both choosing 15.7 and 
15.9.  15.7 will guarantee that Gerrit checks against the baseline, 
while we'll need to upgrade the nodes sooner.  15.9 will postpone the 
need to upgrade again in the future, but Gerrit doesn't exactly check 
against the baseline.  I'll leave that decision at the discretion of 
those who'll actually do the upgrade :)

Also, <> "Require at least 
flex 2.6.0, which no longer emits 'register'" failing on tb73 due to 
"checking the flex version... configure: error: failed 
(C:/cygwin/bin/flex 2.5.39 found, but need at least 2.6.0)" shows that 
at least some of the relevant Windows Jenkins nodes have outdated Cygwin 
utilities.  Who can update these?  flex 2.5.35 and gperf 3.1 would be 
relevant.  The Jenkins admin_lode job can't do that automatically, I 
think.  Cloph, can you do it manually?

> * macOS: from Xcode 8 to Xcode 9.3

(Nothing needs to be done for this on the Jenkins side, as reportedly 
all relevant macOS nodes are already on some Xcode 9.3 or later.)

> * Linux GCC: from GCC 4.8.1 to GCC 7

(See the discussion in its own sub-thread at 
"Re: Compiler baselines" about rolling this out on Jenkins.)

> * Linux Clang: from Clang to Clang 5.0.2

The relevant Linux Jenkins nodes (tb75-lilith, tb76-maggie, and 
tb79-pollux) have been updated (via admin_lode and 
"On Linux, upgrade to Clang 5 plus libstdc++ 7").

> * Clang compiler plugins: from Clang 3.8 to Clang 5.0.2

Enforced with 
"Bump compiler plugins Clang baseline to 5.0.2".

> * flex: from 2.5.35 to 2.6.0

The relevant Linux Jenkins nodes (tb75-lilith, tb76-maggie, and 
tb79-pollux) and most of the relevant macOS Jenkins nodes (tb57, tb58, 
tb66, gb69, tb80, and tb81; tb59 and tb82 are permanently offline) have 
been updated (via admin_lode and 
"Install flex 2.6.4 if necessary").  The relevant Windows Jenkins nodes 
apparently still need updating (see above).

> * gperf: from 3.0.0 to 3.1

The relevant Linux Jenkins nodes (tb75-lilith, tb76-maggie, and 
tb79-pollux) and most of the relevant macOS Jenkins nodes (tb57, tb58, 
tb66, gb69, tb80, and tb81; tb59 and tb82 are permanently offline) have 
been updated (via admin_ldoe and 
"On Linux, use latest gperf 3.1" resp. 
"Install gperf 3.1 if necessary").  The relevant Windows Jenkins nodes 
presumably still need updating (see above).

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