debug build breaks in sw/source/filter/html/svxcss1.cxx(3166): error C2065: "CSS1PropEntryCompare"
Oliver Brinzing
Oliver.Brinzing at
Sat Oct 20 15:59:02 UTC 2018
i have a build break building master: 190a1394c2dd2aa338559c99a23ec3c62d29a2eb.
[CXX] sw/source/filter/html/wrthtml.cxx
[CXX] sw/source/filter/writer/writer.cxx
D:/sources/libo-core/sw/source/filter/html/svxcss1.cxx(3166): error C2065: "CSS1PropEntryCompare":
nicht deklarierter Bezeichner
make[1]: *** [D:/sources/libo-core/solenv/gbuild/
D:/sources/libo-core/workdir/CxxObject/sw/source/filter/html/svxcss1.o] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [Makefile:286: build] Error 2
line 3166 assertion fails:
assert( std::is_sorted( std::begin(aCSS1PropFnTab), std::end(aCSS1PropFnTab), CSS1PropEntryCompare ) );
i build with "--enable-debug", but do not use "--enable-dbgutil"
code has changed a few hours ago;a=commitdiff;h=4ba5b003b594f9eb6c9b185208bdb72aef8273d0
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
static bool CSS1PropEntryCompare( const CSS1PropEntry &lhs, const CSS1PropEntry &rhs)
return strcmp(lhs.pName, rhs.pName) < 0;
void SvxCSS1Parser::ParseProperty( const OUString& rProperty,
const CSS1Expression *pExpr )
OSL_ENSURE( pItemSet, "DeclarationParsed() without ItemSet" );
static bool bSortedPropFns = false;
if( !bSortedPropFns )
assert( std::is_sorted( std::begin(aCSS1PropFnTab), std::end(aCSS1PropFnTab),
CSS1PropEntryCompare ) );
bSortedPropFns = true;
auto it = std::lower_bound( std::begin(aCSS1PropFnTab), std::end(aCSS1PropFnTab), rProperty,
CSS1PropEntryFindCompare );
if( it != std::end(aCSS1PropFnTab) && !CSS1PropEntryFindCompare(*it,rProperty) )
it->pFunc( pExpr, *pItemSet, *pPropInfo, *this );
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