bug 74702

Kaganski Mike mikekaganski at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 22 09:12:00 UTC 2019

Hi Adrien,

First of all, it's best to have a tentative change in gerrit, with your 
proposed changes, to have better overview. Please create if you haven't 
yet, and post the link here. Thanks!

On 22.04.2019 11:58, Adrien Ollier wrote:
>  2. In editeng/source/editeng/impedit2.cxx it is required to cast an
>     OutputDevice* to a vcl::PDFWriterImpl* to know the real type of pOut
>     (and test if the resulting pointer is nullptr or not). This requires
>     to include vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.hxx but this file is not in
>     the common directory for inclusion. How can I include
>     vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.hxx?

I couldn't find something like "pOut" in 
editeng/source/editeng/impedit2.cxx - so which of the 4300 lines of the 
file you mean? ;-)

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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