distro packagers: where are LOKDocView-0.1.typelib and LOKDocView-0.1.gir

Michael Stahl mst at libreoffice.org
Fri Aug 2 13:42:28 UTC 2019

hello people who package LO for distros:

i'm not sure if anybody other than Fedora needs these files but they 
were moved around for 6.4 so if you do include them you will need to 
adapt your build script for that change.

     commit 634844354ee6ed884128086a80c3ee32c889d8c9

     sysui: fix rpm errors in freedesktop-menus (4.14.1)

     RPM build errors:
         Explicit %attr() mode not applicable to symlink: 
         Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

they were built into a directory meant for upstream rpm/deb packaging 
but then not actually included in the upstream packages because there 
does not appear to be a good place on the system available to 3rd party 
packages (i.e. in /opt) where they would be found by the gobject 
introspection, so we decided to improve the maintainability by moving 
them elsewhere.

there is a follow-up change to move them to yet another place:

sorry about the inconvenience!

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