LibreOffice Encryption/Decryption Implementation

Steve Martin Steve.Martin at
Thu Dec 5 14:12:08 UTC 2019


my name is Steve Martin and I am a student at Ruhr University Bochum. I 
have a few questions regarding the implementation of encryption and 
decryption process in LibreOffice. I found some informations at:

about the encryption process.
I know since LibreOffice v3.5 AES-256 (in CBC mode) is using. I using 
LibreOffice v6.3.
Is there a official specification on the implementation of encryption 
and decryption in LibreOffice documents (Which algorithms can be used, 
what exactly is the procedure, which coding methods are used, how will 
the data be processed (padding))? Where I can find this sepcification?

Thanks many for your help


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