The question about printing workflow
snowmint612 at
Thu Feb 21 17:26:01 UTC 2019
I want to know the details about the printing job workflow.
Currently, I found this site to talk about the printing workflow :
I want to know How does step 3 (as picture Pringting_model) work?
Does it use any Linux system call or API?
I focus on the genprnpsp.cxx and try to understand the full workflow about
In EndJob function, it has call the createPDF(), then createPDF() call the
passFileToCommand(), I can't find any file that how calling this function (
all about in genprnpsp.cxx ) in sw folder, so I don't know what the
parameter "rCommand" actually do.
Hope somebody can answer this question.
Maybe some developers understand the Chinese, so I describe more complete
in Chinese.
不知道有沒有人了解 LibreOffice 將列印工作傳遞給系統時作了什麼動作?
經過有點長時間搜尋的過程仍沒有太大的了解,發問在 askLibreOffice 和 IRC 目前也沒有收到任何回答,於是想問問看這裡。
像是列印過程中 ( 由 LibreOffice 丟工作給外部 Printer 間的這個過程 ) 使用了什麼 API 或是 System
call,也就是在 setPrinterInfo 以及 Print start job 之後,是如何進行列印或輸出成 PDF 的。
目前針對列印部分 PspSalPrinter看了 source code ,但透過 visual studio 的檢視呼叫階層找不到呼叫這些
function 的程式。看了 SW 內的程式也還沒有看到跟 PspSalPrinter相關的呼叫。
看了他的附圖 Print_model 我想我是想要知道關於第三步驟的詳細作法,也就是經由 svtool
取得使用者想要的列印設定並且準備就緒時,真正呼叫 VCL PspSalPrinter 的部分:
(3) "The user application has now everything needed to print the document.
So, it asks VCL to draw pixels, lines, characters, etc on an OutputDevice.
At this point, I don't know exactly where the OutputDevice is instancied
(who decides that it would be a screen, an Aqua printer or a PostScript
printer. This is not really important since we understand the main idea of
how printing works."
但看了 PspSalPrinter 相關的程式碼之後感覺還是沒有真正接觸到系統的呼叫,雖說有找到 createPDF 函式下的
passFileToCommand,但因為程式無法成功 build 起來因此無法確定它其中傳遞的參數裡的指令是做了什麼事。
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