Bug 122675 MySQL native connector problem with LO

Drew Jensen drewjensen.inbox at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 18:17:30 UTC 2019

also from the MySQL documentation there is the option to reconfigure the
server to use the older default authentication:
"Further, it is always possible to change ––default-authentication-plugin
to a non-default value of your choice (At present, options other than
caching_sha2_password are: mysql_native_password and sha256_password). For
example, if ––default-authentication-plugin is set to
mysql_native_password, the behavior of the MySQL 8.0.4 server is similar to
MySQL 8.0.3 and prior. Correspondingly, libmysqlclient supports the
MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH options for mysql_options() C API function. (For
libmysqlclient based client tools available in MySQL packages, the
––default-auth command-line options achieves the same purpose.) The
client-side option is a performance tool and saves an extra round-trip when
used in tandem with ––default-authentication-plugin option on server side.
However, we recommend use of caching_sha2_password because of the enhanced
security that it offers. We also recommend updating libmysqlclient to MySQL
8.0.4 or later so that new default authentication plugin is supported by
clients that use it."


On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 1:11 PM Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox at gmail.com>

> Howdy Dan,
> Some information on the problem and work around can be found here:
> https://tableplus.io/blog/2018/07/failed-to-load-caching-sha2-password-authentication-plugin-solved.html
> The issue was opened by another person yesterday and this issue was lined
> to it.
> Drew
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 12:23 PM Dan Lewis <elderdanlewis at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I get the following error message when using the Base Wizard in LO
>> to connect to a MySQL database.
>>            Can't initialize character set unknown (path: compiled_in)
>> I get as far as clicking the the Test Connection button. When entering
>> the password and clicking OK, I get this message. I have MySQL 8.0.13
>> for my back end. I set up to use SHA2 with my password. (This may well
>> be the where the problems lie.)
>> Dan
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