Buiilding LO --with-system-jpeg and jpeg-9c fails

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Tue Jan 22 16:31:39 UTC 2019

On Tue, 2019-01-22 at 13:58 +0000, Дилян Палаузов wrote:
> Hello,
> libjpeg.so can originate from 
> libjpeg-turbo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libjpeg#libjpeg-turbo
> mozjpeg, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libjpeg#mozjpeg or
> ijg.org (jpeg-9c)
> With ./configure --with-system-jpeg, having installed jpeg-9c as
> /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so, make fails with

> I tried with or without --with-system-jpeg and it fails only in the
> latter case.
> What exactly is the problem?

Well, its simply that the test expects
vcl/qa/cppunit/graphicfilter/data/jpg/fail/crash-1.jpg to fail to load
and it unexpectedly succeeded in loading.

All those --with-system-foo options aren't guaranteed to work in all
combinations. The bundled case is supposed to work, and the others are
at your own risk, with the major distros typically keeping their own
working, and libjpeg9 is unpopular as a default distro libjpeg

Someone who wants to use a system libjpeg-9 would have to investigate
if it succeeds for a good reason or if its pure luck, e.g. via
uninitialized data. Running it under valgrind like the trailing debug
text mentions would probably be good enough to rule out a "bad" success

You can move it from the "fail" dir to the "indeterminate" if you just
want to "get on with it"

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