Saving documents with broken zip streams (Re: minutes of ESC call ...)

Luboš Luňák l.lunak at
Tue Jun 4 14:07:59 UTC 2019

On Monday 03 of June 2019, Jan-Marek Glogowski wrote:
> Am 03.06.19 um 21:52 schrieb Luboš Luňák:
> >  Ok, so it's not a problem with my code, my changes just happened to show
> > the problem, and the problem is that those documents are broken. If you
> > try to unzip the documents, it will complain about incorrect CRC
> >  Any idea what to do about that? Is it really ok that we just refuse to
> > save it? Or should we save it even though the contents may be broken?
> IMHO the only sane solution would be to detect the broken CRCs on read and
> report a broken file to the user.

 That's not so easy. We do not detect broken CRCs on load, because we load on 
demand. And removing that seems like a bad trade-off. Finding that a CRC 
stream has a broken CRCs means uncompressing everything and checking, even 
things we otherwise do not care about. I think we do not want to make loading 
of everything possibly slower just to detect that virtually all documents are 

 Luboš Luňák
 l.lunak at

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