Creating a localized build

Michael Weghorn m.weghorn at
Mon May 20 09:36:38 UTC 2019

Hi Olivier,

On 19/05/2019 14.55, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> I'd like to create a Windows localized build with packaging for Guarani
> (gug) for l10n and i18n development purposes.
> The main language is 'gug-PY' and second languae is 'es'.
> Are there pages on how to proceed?. Most of the l10n pages are on
> translations.

I don't know whether there's existing documentation, but does adding the
following two autogen parameters help?

For l10n/i18n support:

    --with-lang='gug es'

For the packaging (i.e. create MSI installer)


'gug-PY' doesn't seem to be a valid option for the '--with-lang'
parameter; not sure if just 'gug' is the right thing.

(I didn't test the full build myself, just that the '--with-lang' option
is accepted on Linux.)

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