Your presentation on LibreOffice code

Arvind Kumar arvind.kumar at
Sat Feb 15 05:00:44 UTC 2020

[ Please don't drop the list from CC, you may get valuable input from
others. ]

I've joined the list now. 

> Perhaps what you want is to tweak/extend the code that maps an OUString> to a list of glyphs, the vcl text layout.
> GenericSalLayout::LayoutText() at vcl/source/gdi/CommonSalLayout.cxx:286
> does that using harfbuzz, I believe standard gtk apps use that at the
> end as well.
What is OUString? Does it come from Harfbuzz which uses previously known characters? If so, it won't work. 

I need to map a combination of keys (two or more keys pressed simultaneously) to a glyph. As I said, the keys have non-standard keycodes. So I would still need to trap the keystrokes and save the values of the hardware_keycodes that are part of the GdkEventKey for each key that is pressed, and then create a composite value and pass that value to GenericSalLayout::LayoutText() and map it to the glyph value (again a non-standard value but which is part of a fontfile I have generated).
Where would I intercept the key_press_event and key_release_event of the GtkTextView before converting it to the OUString and passing it  to GenericSalLayout::LayoutText() ?
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