libssl error

Chetan Aru chetanaru at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 06:18:29 UTC 2020

Thanks for pointing it out.
How do I get my build of to ignore these errors then? I can build
with VS17 as well as VS19.
Is there any flag that I need to setup during build?

On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 at 11:35 AM, Michael Weghorn <m.weghorn at posteo.de> wrote:

> On 09/06/2020 06.48, Chetan Aru wrote:
> > I am trying to build the LibreOffice tag on Windows machine
> > (Virtual Machine). I have installed cygwin 64-bit and doing 64-bit
> > build. I am getting the following errors. Can someone please help? Seems
> > that having this patch ( https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/95559)
> > helps, but how is it that was built on Windows machine without
> this?
> The commit message of the commit you're pointing to says:
> "For other people these failures are silently ignored, but they
> show up in their python3 build.log. But my msbuild version
> 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 from VS2017 fails hard on these errors."
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