GSoC Propsal: Styles Inspector

Harshit Jain harshitjain1371999 at
Wed Mar 25 09:37:25 UTC 2020

I am Harshit Jain, a senior undergraduate student pursuing Electrical
Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Being passionate
about software development, I now want to start contributing to open-source
and GSoC is indeed a great opportunity to embark upon this journey.
Upon going through the list of projects, I found the project regarding
implementing a Styles Inspector really interesting and would like to work
on this as a part of the GSoC project. I have already drafted a proposal on
the same and shared through the official GSoC portal. I request you all to
review my proposal and give any suggestions which may be required in my

As far as my contributions are concerned, I have just started contributing
easy patches to the libreoffice code and would like to become more active
and contribute more in the days to come. The details of the patch submitted
are as follows:
Status: Merged
Gerrit link:
Bug link:

Again requesting you all to please review my proposal and suggest any
changes if needed.

Harshit Jain
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