
camel_rider camel2013rider at
Sat Oct 17 23:59:24 UTC 2020

To whom it may concern, thank you in advance of my query.

I am using Liber Office X 64

MY MAIN question is I am TRYING to change default Writer font to another 
font but cannot...I want to have this default as default and not go to a 
saved default.

I have pre-set or added 30 pages into a folder and have named and dated 
them, so they exist.  BUT now I want to make everyone of these pages a 
certain font but cannot because they are set in another default font .

I can make a [singular] fonted [ personalized]  pages saved 
example--->>01 - 30 july 2010 now default with this is Times New Roman 
12  ...I WANT to be able to change Default from "Times New Roman"  into 
say "Courier New" AND all existing pages that I have already created 
from 01 to 30 july but cannot?

Yes I have created a NEW default page and saved it in manage but I have 
to name and date it every time I use it?  Frustrating to me...

is there a way I can create existing pages that will automatically 
change all other pages into said created New Font?

signed perplexed and frustrated but not defeated.

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