CODE/LOOL macro execution

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Thu Sep 10 14:52:52 UTC 2020

Hi Jakub,

On 10/09/2020 09:13, Jakub Kościelak wrote:
> How can I enable Macros ?

	Good question =)

> I tried adding the appropriate lines to the
> |/etc/loolwsd/loolkitconfig.xcu, with no luck.|

	Ah - ook.

> |<prop oor:name="*MacroSecurityLevel*" oor:type="xs:int"
> oor:nillable="false"><value>*0*</value></prop>

	I would expect something like:

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic/SpellChecking"><prop
oor:name="IsSpellAuto" oor:op="fuse"><value>true</value></prop></item>

	In your loolkitconfig.xcu - ie. with a full path to that setting.

	The best way to find those paths is to load desktop LibreOffice, change
the setting and look in registerymodification.xcu to see what that did =)

> |Is this good way ?|



michael.meeks at <><, GM Collabora Productivity
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