error C2228 in mysqlc_preparedstatement.cxx

Eike Rathke erack at
Thu Apr 1 22:11:59 UTC 2021

Hi himajin100000,

On Friday, 2021-04-02 05:57:18 +0900, himajin100000 (Tomoyuki Kubota) wrote:

> When I tried to build LibreOffice, I encountered the following error.
> I'm not good at C++, and I don't know how to fix this one.
> C:/sources/libo-core/connectivity/source/drivers/mysqlc/mysqlc_preparedstatement.cxx(98):
> error C2228: '.bDisposed' の左側はクラス、構造体、共用体でなければなりません

Could you please build in an English environment so we'd have at least
a chance to grasp the error message? Thanks.

Anyhow, it seems to complain about
that is in there for over a decade now.

This is what MS says about error C2228:
which is not very helpful here.

I'd assume some precompiled headers mismatch / outdated in your build
but I've not much clue about Windows build environment.


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