unknown element urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0 text:soft-page-break

Telesto telesto at surfxs.nl
Mon Jan 25 16:21:41 UTC 2021


A  QA question. The debugger of TB77 builds nowdays includes some of the 
logging information (when a debugger being attached). Obviously helpful 
for some background on the crash

However not able to asses the importance. Somewhere between SAL INFO and 
assert I guess.

This got my attention more specifically
warn:xmloff:5296:5108:xmloff/source/draw/shapeimport.cxx:356: unknown 
element urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0 text:soft-page-break
Reported it as bug 139867, but that wasn't seen as the proper place.

So not gonna fix this.. merely informing and ideally some advice what to 
do with 'sal_warn'.
As similar warning can be seen in jenskins on a regular basis.


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