-> ESC agenda

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at collabora.com
Fri Mar 19 09:21:15 UTC 2021

Hi Lubos, Julian, all,

	I'd really like to encourage you not to pre-emptively give up on the
governance that we do have =)

	It seems clear that some people object to this change; and it seems
clear that there was not a full discussion that reflected that at the ESC:

On 18/03/2021 18:17, julien2412 wrote:
> No need to come since it's easier for me to write (no schedule 
> constraints for example) and the migration will be done anyway, no 
> need to worry.... My goal was just to thank a lot Luboš and to
> provide arguments against the migration. Nevertheless, I already knew
> the battle, battle against this censorship (I weigh my words) was
> lost.

	Well - if you feel strongly; I'd encourage you to come and make your
point - or for at least someone to speak out.

	From my perspective it is -really- important that people can speak up
and say what they think. Ideally in a constructive and as balanced a way
as possible, avoiding overly emotive or simplified constructions - that
makes it easier for everyone to be heard.

	I really don't think there is a foregone conclusion.

On 18/03/2021 20:04, Luboš Luňák wrote:
> in order to make the discussion somewhat more constructive, I have
> an alternative proposal on how to resolve the problem.

	I'd love you to come and propose that.

	I'm also aware that some people are concerned that this turns into a
much wider and more concerning project than it is ie. the slippery slope

	I'm not so convinced about that - but its easy to avoid that by hearing
Thorsten's bigger-picture plan here.

	So - thanks for raising this; I'd really like to end the thread here -
and take it to the next ESC meeting.

	Miklos - can you put it on the agenda ?



michael.meeks at collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
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