How to write OOXML attribute 'vert' of <bodyPr> element to ODF?

Mark Hung marklh9 at
Mon Jun 20 16:06:37 UTC 2022

Hi Regina,

> > I found that I was confused with the name "loext:text-direction", and
> > connected it to writing-mode. > In different context direction may mean
> writing direction in Bidi text,
> > as in [1].
> You are right, the name is indeed misleading, probably
> "loext:text-vertical" is better?
I was thinking text-orientation, but I found it has different meaning some
where ( see below. )
Naming is hard. :-) Apology for not being able to give useful advice on

> > Is that new "loext:text-direction" attribute only intended to rotate
> > text for RL_TB writing mode?
> > ( wordArtVert and wordArtVertRtl should also be excluded in that case? )
> "wordArtVer" and "wordArtVertRtl" would be included in principle. But
> both are not yet implemented.
> I am not sure if I should go this way at all. My knowledge is enough to
> extend the "extended-geometry" with an additional attribute for "vert"
> and "vert270". And it can be extended to the values "wordArtVert" and
> "wordArtVertRtl" if that is implemented. However, another option would
> be to enable the text in shapes to use WritingMode2 and extend its
> values similar to the current loext:writing-mode="bt-lr". This looks
> better to me for future development. Only I certainly need help for the
> implementation.
The real use cases might be mixed depending on content,
as described in CJK text layout requirement[1]:
Western text keeps upright as CJK text for single alphabet, digit, or
abbreviation ( ex, GDP ).
Western text rotated 90 degrees for numbers more than 4 digits, longer
phrases, or sentences.
There is a CSS property called text-orientation[2].

Since you're mapping ooxml values to CustomGeometry property, I guess it's
not wrong to include them.


Kind regards,
> Regina

Mark Hung
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