table and section in East Asian vertical writing mode

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Tue Nov 15 00:04:12 UTC 2022

Hi all,

with East Asian vertical writing mode I mean the file markup 
style:writing-mode="tb-rl", which is "Text direction Right-to-left 
(vertical)" in page or frame properties or "Text direction from Top to 
Bottom" in the UI of text boxes.

Because of several issues (OASIS ODF TC) with the style:writing-mode 
(20.404 ODF 1.3) attribute, I'm currently working on rewording that 
section. In that context I have some questions:

How are tables in text documents usually organized in East Asian 
vertical writing mode? I mean: Where are column headers? Where are row 
headers? What it the order of columns? If I insert a table in Writer the 
result is different than inserting a table in Word.

How should a section work if the section has more than one column? That 
seems to be buggy in LO.

Has a book in East Asian vertical writing mode the binding edge left or 

Kind regards,

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