Italo Vignoli italo at
Tue Nov 29 12:15:45 UTC 2022

I have started working at logistics of FOSDEM 2023 (February 4/5, 2023), 
and I might need your help.

If you are:

1. Presenting at FOSDEM, at LibreOffice Technology or another DevRoom, 
or at FOSDEM Main Track (provided the topic is related to LibreOffice 

2. Staffing the booth (which should be confirmed soon), helping with the 
LibreOffice Technology DevRoom, being in one of the internal meetings 
(February 6/7, 2023), attending the OFE (Open Forum Europe) pre-FOSDEM 
meeting (February 3, 2023), or participating to the FOSDEM LibreOffice 
HackFest (February 6/7, 2023)

3. Sponsored by a LibreOffice ecosystem company, which is going to cover 
your expenses (in this case, a single person should co-ordinate for the 
entire company)

Please let me know the dates of your staying as soon as possible, by 
replying only to me (DO NOT HIT REPLY ALL), preferably by December 10, 
and not later than December 20. After December 20, I can't ensure the 
availability of the hotel room at Bedford Hotel, and I won't manage 
booking at other hotels.

Thanks, Italo


Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - emailitalo at
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