New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice

scan-admin at scan-admin at
Sat Sep 17 22:28:25 UTC 2022


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.

1 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
2 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

** CID 1515457:  Integer handling issues  (SIGN_EXTENSION)
/sw/source/core/text/porrst.cxx: 802 in SwBookmarkPortion::Paint(const SwTextPaintInfo &) const()

*** CID 1515457:  Integer handling issues  (SIGN_EXTENSION)
/sw/source/core/text/porrst.cxx: 802 in SwBookmarkPortion::Paint(const SwTextPaintInfo &) const()
796                 aNewPos.AdjustX(mnHalfCharWidth * -2 * (m_oColors.size() - 1));
797         }
798         else if ( m_nStart != 0 && m_nEnd != 0 )
799             // both end and start boundary marks: adjust them around the bookmark position
800             // |te|xt|
801             //  ]] [[
>>>     CID 1515457:  Integer handling issues  (SIGN_EXTENSION)
>>>     Suspicious implicit sign extension: "this->mnHalfCharWidth" with type "sal_uInt16" (16 bits, unsigned) is promoted in "this->mnHalfCharWidth * -(2 * this->m_nEnd - 1 + this->m_nPoint)" to type "int" (32 bits, signed), then sign-extended to type "long" (64 bits, signed).  If "this->mnHalfCharWidth * -(2 * this->m_nEnd - 1 + this->m_nPoint)" is greater than 0x7FFFFFFF, the upper bits of the result will all be 1.
802             aNewPos.AdjustX(mnHalfCharWidth * -(2 * m_nEnd - 1 + m_nPoint) );
804         const_cast< SwTextPaintInfo& >( rInf ).SetPos( aNewPos );
806         for ( const auto& it : m_oColors )
807         {

To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit,

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