New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
scan-admin at
scan-admin at
Mon Apr 3 09:17:21 UTC 2023
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
2 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
1 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.
New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)
** CID 1524677: (FORWARD_NULL)
*** CID 1524677: (FORWARD_NULL)
/oox/source/drawingml/fillproperties.cxx: 773 in oox::drawingml::FillProperties::pushToPropMap(oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap &, const oox::GraphicHelper &, int, Color, const com::sun::star::awt::Size &, short, bool, bool, bool) const()
767 nBorder = aPrev->first - aNext->first;
768 aGradientStops.erase(aNext);
769 aWidestSegmentStart = aGradientStops.begin();
770 bSwap = true;
771 nShapeRotation = 180*60000 - nShapeRotation;
772 }
>>> CID 1524677: (FORWARD_NULL)
>>> Passing null pointer "aWidestSegmentStart->second" to "getColor", which dereferences it.
773 else if( !bSymmetric &&
774 aGradientStops.size() >= 4 &&
775 aWidestSegmentStart->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) == std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) &&
776 aWidestSegmentStart->second.getTransparency() == std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second.getTransparency() &&
777 ( aWidestSegmentStart == aGradientStops.begin() ||
778 std::next(aWidestSegmentStart) == std::prev(aGradientStops.end())))
/oox/source/drawingml/fillproperties.cxx: 832 in oox::drawingml::FillProperties::pushToPropMap(oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap &, const oox::GraphicHelper &, int, Color, const com::sun::star::awt::Size &, short, bool, bool, bool) const()
827 // Try to grow the widest segment backwards: if a previous segment has the same
828 // color, just different transparency, include it.
829 while (aWidestSegmentStart != aGradientStops.begin())
830 {
831 auto it = std::prev(aWidestSegmentStart);
>>> CID 1524677: (FORWARD_NULL)
>>> Passing null pointer "aWidestSegmentStart->second" to "getColor", which dereferences it.
832 if (it->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr)
833 != aWidestSegmentStart->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr))
834 {
835 break;
836 }
** CID 1524676: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
*** CID 1524676: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
/oox/source/drawingml/fillproperties.cxx: 572 in oox::drawingml::FillProperties::pushToPropMap(oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap &, const oox::GraphicHelper &, int, Color, const com::sun::star::awt::Size &, short, bool, bool, bool) const()
566 const sal_Int32 nDmlAngle = nShadeAngle + nShapeRotation;
567 // convert DrawingML angle (in 1/60000 degrees) to API angle (in 1/10 degrees)
568 aGradient.Angle = static_cast< sal_Int16 >( (8100 - (nDmlAngle / (PER_DEGREE / 10))) % 3600 );
569 }
571 // set ColorStops using UNO API
>>> CID 1524676: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
>>> Passing "aGradient.ColorStops" to "fillColorStopSequenceFromColorStops", which dereferences null "aGradient.ColorStops._pSequence".
572 basegfx::utils::fillColorStopSequenceFromColorStops(aGradient.ColorStops, aColorStops);
574 // push gradient or named gradient to property map
575 if (rPropMap.setProperty(ShapeProperty::FillGradient, aGradient))
576 {
577 eFillStyle = FillStyle_GRADIENT;
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