Getting started

Julien Nabet serval2412 at
Thu Aug 17 06:33:04 UTC 2023

> I’m supporting an organisation that is using LO to create pdfs that are used as inputs to a print-on-demand service, and we have identified a couple of issues that I would like to have a go at resolving:
> 1) The handling of font names differs between the Windows and MacOS builds, resulting in the rendering differing between the platforms;
> 2) The page size reported in exported pdfs (e.g. 21.01 × 29.71 cm) is not the same as the page size within the document (e.g. 21.00 × 29.70 cm), resulting in the pdf being rejected by the POD service (which expects  21.00 × 29.70 cm).
> Is there an “easy” way to navigate the code and/or can anyone point me to where the functionality I need to look at is located?
> ...

To navigate the code, you can use:

A good start point to code contribute in LO is :

(you'll begin with how to build LO)
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