Need help for bug 158451

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Mon Dec 11 02:15:01 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I need help for bug 158451. Problem: A group or a drawing canvas in a 
docx file crashes Writer, in case it is anchored 'inline' and has a 
child shape with text. The crash happens in 
SwAnchoredObject::GetObjRectWithSpaces(). There is no crash, if such 
group is in an odt file.

It is not a new problem, but it will effect more users now, because the 
drawing canvas and not the VML fallback is imported now and the drawing 
canvas is anchored 'inline' as default in Word.

Steps before the crash are

I think the crash should be fixed till release, but I'm not familiar 
with these frames. Do you have tips for me?
Do you have an idea why a group from docx is different from a group from 
odt, for example?

Attila Bakos had worked in that area, but NISZ does no longer exist.

Kind regards,

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