Extended ODF schema

Laurent Balland laurent.balland at mailo.fr
Tue Feb 7 20:50:53 UTC 2023


I'm trying to modify 
schema/libreoffice/OpenDocument-v1.3+libreoffice-schema.rng to add a new 
attribute to number:text

I added:

   <rng:define name="number-text" combine="interleave">
     <rng:ref name="number-text-attlist"/>

   <rng:define name="number-text-attlist">
         <rng:attribute name="loext:blank-width-char">
           <rng:ref name="string"/>

But I got the following error: 
Fatal: <attribute> is grouped and that group is repeated

The line number corresponds to nothing, and if I move the upper code on 
a different place in the file, the error is always at this unknown 
7078th line.

Any idea about what I could try?

Best regards,

Laurent Balland
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