Bringing multi-page floating tables to ODF

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Sun Jul 16 17:31:22 UTC 2023

Hi all,

after some more thinking and investigating:

I haven't found anything in the standard that limits the size of a frame 
to the page of its anchor. However, applications do this. So indeed 
something is required for the standard that specifies the limitation, 
which is actually done.

However, some questions still remain
(1) Should all types of <draw:frame> elements get this property? 
<draw:frame> elements can not only contain a <draw:text-box> child 
element but also a <draw:object> child element (e.g. Math, Chart) or a 
<draw:object-ole> child element (OLE), <draw:image> child element, 
<draw:plugin> child element (e.g. sound) or a <table:table> child element.
(2) If this new attribute is intended to be used only for floating 
tables, couldn't a <table:table> child element be used instead of the 
very generic <draw:text-box> child element? That way it would be 
independent of any special rules and handling for text frames and text 
(3) In the proposal, a new attribute of the <draw:frame> element is 
used. This means that the attribute belongs to the geometry of an 
individual <draw:frame> element. An alternative could be to put this 
attribute to the style of the frame. For example, the 
style:overflow-behavior attribute with its values "clip" and 
"auto-create-new-frame" also belongs to the style of a text box.
(4) The interaction with the fo:max-height frame-attribute, the 
draw:auto-grow-height style-attribute and the style:overflow-behavior 
style-attribute is missing.

Kind regards,

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