tdf#156333: Implementing Text Effects

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Sat Jul 22 09:19:47 UTC 2023


sorry that you haven't got any answer so far. Please be patient, we have 
weekend and summertime with lots of vacations.

Unfortunately this is not my area, but this is, what I would do:

We have already character effects "embossed", "engrave", "outline" and 
"shadow" in the Font Effects tab of the character properties.
I would search for these terms. Besides the .ui and token-files, you 
will find some related .cxx files. I would look there, how these effects 
are implemented. "Implemented" includes model, rendering, load-save in 
ODF, import-export filter OOXML, UI. You will find then involved classes 
and methods and other relevant terms you can search.

Do you have already looked at core/ It gives an overview about 
most important modules and tips for further information.

Kind regards,

владислав тараканов schrieb am 20.07.2023 um 13:52:
> Hello
> We, together with irgaliev01 at, want to try adding support for 
> various text styles (glow, tint, shadow, etc.) in Writer. But we are 
> still only beginner developers, so we would like to ask where exactly in 
> the code should we start fixing this problem? We've previously looked at 
> the oox and sfx2 modules but didn't find anything relevant.
> --
> Vladislav Tarakanov

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