New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
scan-admin at
scan-admin at
Sat Jun 24 07:52:44 UTC 2023
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
37 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
1 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.
New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 20 of 37 defect(s)
** CID 1532480: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532480: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/ppt/pptshape.cxx: 458 in oox::ppt::PPTShape::addShape(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const oox::ppt::SlidePersist &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, std::map<rtl::OUString, std::shared_ptr<oox::drawingml::Shape>, std::less<rtl::OUString>, std::allocator<std::pair<const rtl::OUString, std::shared_ptr<oox::drawingml::Shape>>>> *)()
452 if (meShapeLocation == Slide && mpPlaceholder && getTextBody() && getTextBody()->isEmpty())
453 {
454 Reference < XText > xText(mxShape, UNO_QUERY);
455 if (
456 {
457 TextCharacterProperties aCharStyleProperties;
>>> CID 1532480: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aCharStyleProperties.maUnderlineColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "ApplyStyleEmpty".
458 getTextBody()->ApplyStyleEmpty(rFilterBase, xText, aCharStyleProperties, mpMasterTextListStyle);
459 }
460 }
461 if (pShapeMap)
462 {
463 // bnc#705982 - if optional model id reference is
** CID 1532479: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/cui/source/tabpages/tptrans.cxx: 373 in SvxTransparenceTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet *)()
*** CID 1532479: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/cui/source/tabpages/tptrans.cxx: 373 in SvxTransparenceTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet *)()
367 m_xMtrTrgrStartValue->set_value(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aStart.GetRed()) + 1) * 100) / 255), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
368 m_xMtrTrgrEndValue->set_value(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aEnd.GetRed()) + 1) * 100) / 255), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
370 // MCGR: preserve ColorStops if given
371 // tdf#155901 We need offset of first and last stop, so include them.
372 if (rGradient.GetColorStops().size() >= 2)
>>> CID 1532479: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
>>> Using iterator "rGradient->GetColorStops()->end()" from "rGradient->GetColorStops()" with "<temporary>".
373 maColorStops = basegfx::BColorStops(rGradient.GetColorStops().begin(), rGradient.GetColorStops().end());
374 else
375 maColorStops.clear();
377 // linear transparence
378 sal_uInt16 nTransp = pLinearItem->GetValue();
** CID 1532478: (CHECKED_RETURN)
/svgio/source/svgreader/svgfecolormatrixnode.cxx: 99 in svgio::svgreader::SvgFeColorMatrixNode::apply(drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer &) const()
/svgio/source/svgreader/svgfecolormatrixnode.cxx: 88 in svgio::svgreader::SvgFeColorMatrixNode::apply(drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer &) const()
*** CID 1532478: (CHECKED_RETURN)
/svgio/source/svgreader/svgfecolormatrixnode.cxx: 99 in svgio::svgreader::SvgFeColorMatrixNode::apply(drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer &) const()
93 std::make_shared<basegfx::BColorModifier_saturate>(aNum.getNumber())));
94 rTarget = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer{ xRef };
95 }
96 else if (maType == ColorType::HueRotate)
97 {
98 SvgNumber aNum(0.0);
>>> CID 1532478: (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>> Calling "readSingleNumber" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 65 out of 67 times).
99 readSingleNumber(maValuesContent, aNum);
100 const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xRef(
101 new drawinglayer::primitive2d::ModifiedColorPrimitive2D(
102 std::move(rTarget), std::make_shared<basegfx::BColorModifier_hueRotate>(
103 basegfx::deg2rad(aNum.getNumber()))));
104 rTarget = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer{ xRef };
/svgio/source/svgreader/svgfecolormatrixnode.cxx: 88 in svgio::svgreader::SvgFeColorMatrixNode::apply(drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer &) const()
82 std::make_shared<basegfx::BColorModifier_luminance_to_alpha>()));
83 rTarget = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer{ xRef };
84 }
85 else if (maType == ColorType::Saturate)
86 {
87 SvgNumber aNum(1.0);
>>> CID 1532478: (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>> Calling "readSingleNumber" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 65 out of 67 times).
88 readSingleNumber(maValuesContent, aNum);
90 const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xRef(
91 new drawinglayer::primitive2d::ModifiedColorPrimitive2D(
92 std::move(rTarget),
93 std::make_shared<basegfx::BColorModifier_saturate>(aNum.getNumber())));
** CID 1532477: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532477: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/chart/objectformatter.cxx: 890 in oox::drawingml::chart::<unnamed>::FillFormatter::convertFormatting(oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap &, const oox::drawingml::chart::ModelRef<oox::drawingml::Shape> &, const oox::drawingml::chart::PictureOptionsModel *, int)()
884 if( mxAutoFill )
885 aFillProps.assignUsed( *mxAutoFill );
886 if (rxShapeProp)
887 aFillProps.assignUsed( rxShapeProp->getFillProperties() );
888 if( pPicOptions )
889 lclConvertPictureOptions( aFillProps, *pPicOptions );
>>> CID 1532477: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aFillProps.maPatternProps.maPattFgColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "pushToPropMap".
890 aFillProps.pushToPropMap( rPropMap, mrData.mrFilter.getGraphicHelper(), 0, getPhColor( nSeriesIdx ) );
891 }
893 namespace {
895 const TextCharacterProperties* lclGetTextProperties( const ModelRef< TextBody >& rxTextProp )
** CID 1532476: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532476: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/fillproperties.cxx: 400 in oox::drawingml::FillProperties::getBestSolidColor() const()
394 }
395 break;
396 case XML_pattFill:
397 aSolidColor = maPatternProps.maPattBgColor.isUsed() ? maPatternProps.maPattBgColor : maPatternProps.maPattFgColor;
398 break;
399 }
>>> CID 1532476: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aSolidColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
400 return aSolidColor;
401 }
403 void FillProperties::pushToPropMap(ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap, const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper,
404 sal_Int32 nShapeRotation, ::Color nPhClr,
405 const css::awt::Size& rSize, sal_Int16 nPhClrTheme, bool bFlipH,
** CID 1532475: Memory - corruptions (OVERRUN)
*** CID 1532475: Memory - corruptions (OVERRUN)
/svgio/source/svgreader/svgtools.cxx: 872 in svgio::svgreader::readFilterMatrix(std::basic_string_view<char16_t, std::char_traits<char16_t>>, const svgio::svgreader::InfoProvider &)()
866 {
867 return basegfx::B3DHomMatrix();
868 }
870 if(readNumberAndUnit(rCandidate, nPos, aVal, nLen))
871 {
>>> CID 1532475: Memory - corruptions (OVERRUN)
>>> Overrunning callee's array of size 4 by passing argument "nColumn" (which evaluates to 4) in call to "set".
872 aMatrix.set(nRow, nColumn, aVal.solve(rInfoProvider));
873 skip_char(rCandidate, ' ', ',', nPos, nLen);
874 }
875 }
876 }
** CID 1532474: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx: 299 in oox::drawingml::Color::Color()()
*** CID 1532474: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx: 299 in oox::drawingml::Color::Color()()
293 meMode( COLOR_UNUSED ),
294 mnC1( 0 ),
295 mnC2( 0 ),
296 mnC3( 0 ),
297 mnAlpha( MAX_PERCENT )
298 {
>>> CID 1532474: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "meThemeColorType" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
299 }
301 ::Color Color::getDmlPresetColor( sal_Int32 nToken, ::Color nDefaultRgb )
302 {
303 /* Do not pass nDefaultRgb to ContainerHelper::getVectorElement(), to be
304 able to catch the existing vector entries without corresponding XML
** CID 1532473: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532473: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/table/predefined-table-styles.cxx: 904 in CreateTableStyle(const rtl::OUString &)()
898 pTableStyle->getWholeTbl().getTextColor() = wholeTblTextColor;
899 pTableStyle->getFirstRow().getTextColor() = firstRowTextColor;
900 pTableStyle->getFirstCol().getTextColor() = firstColTextColor;
901 pTableStyle->getLastRow().getTextColor() = lastRowTextColor;
902 pTableStyle->getLastCol().getTextColor() = lastColTextColor;
903 pTableStyle->getBand1H().getTextColor() = band1HTextColor;
>>> CID 1532473: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "band1VTextColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "operator =".
904 pTableStyle->getBand1V().getTextColor() = band1VTextColor;
905 pTableStyle->getBand2H().getTextColor() = band2HTextColor;
906 pTableStyle->getBand2V().getTextColor() = band2VTextColor;
908 pTableStyle->getBackgroundFillProperties() = pTblBgFillProperties;
909 pTableStyle->getWholeTbl().getFillProperties() = pWholeTblFillProperties;
** CID 1532472: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532472: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/table/predefined-table-styles.cxx: 900 in CreateTableStyle(const rtl::OUString &)()
894 // Create a TableStyle from handled properties.
895 pTableStyle->getStyleId() = styleId;
896 pTableStyle->getStyleName() = style_name;
898 pTableStyle->getWholeTbl().getTextColor() = wholeTblTextColor;
899 pTableStyle->getFirstRow().getTextColor() = firstRowTextColor;
>>> CID 1532472: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "firstColTextColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "operator =".
900 pTableStyle->getFirstCol().getTextColor() = firstColTextColor;
901 pTableStyle->getLastRow().getTextColor() = lastRowTextColor;
902 pTableStyle->getLastCol().getTextColor() = lastColTextColor;
903 pTableStyle->getBand1H().getTextColor() = band1HTextColor;
904 pTableStyle->getBand1V().getTextColor() = band1VTextColor;
905 pTableStyle->getBand2H().getTextColor() = band2HTextColor;
** CID 1532471: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532471: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/chart/objectformatter.cxx: 936 in oox::drawingml::chart::<unnamed>::TextFormatter::convertFormatting(oox::PropertySet &, const oox::drawingml::TextCharacterProperties *)()
930 {
931 TextCharacterProperties aTextProps;
932 if( mxAutoText )
933 aTextProps.assignUsed( *mxAutoText );
934 if( pTextProps )
935 aTextProps.assignUsed( *pTextProps );
>>> CID 1532471: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aTextProps.maFillProperties.maFillColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "pushToPropSet".
936 aTextProps.pushToPropSet( rPropSet, mrData.mrFilter );
937 }
939 void TextFormatter::convertFormatting( PropertySet& rPropSet, const ModelRef< TextBody >& rxTextProp )
940 {
941 convertFormatting( rPropSet, lclGetTextProperties( rxTextProp ) );
** CID 1532470: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532470: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 868 in oox::vml::FillModel::pushToPropMap(oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap &, const oox::GraphicHelper &) const()
862 }
863 else
864 {
865 aFillProps.moFillType = XML_noFill;
866 }
>>> CID 1532470: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aFillProps.maPatternProps.maPattFgColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "pushToPropMap".
868 aFillProps.pushToPropMap( rPropMap, rGraphicHelper );
869 }
871 ShadowModel::ShadowModel()
872 : mbHasShadow(false)
873 {
** CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 263 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
257 if( (aColorName.size() == 4) && (aColorName[ 0 ] == '#') )
258 {
259 sal_Int32 nR = o3tl::toUInt32(aColorName.substr( 1, 1 ), 16 ) * 0x11;
260 sal_Int32 nG = o3tl::toUInt32(aColorName.substr( 2, 1 ), 16 ) * 0x11;
261 sal_Int32 nB = o3tl::toUInt32(aColorName.substr( 3, 1 ), 16 ) * 0x11;
262 aDmlColor.setSrgbClr( (nR << 16) | (nG << 8) | nB );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
263 return aDmlColor;
264 }
266 /* Predefined color names or system color names (resolve to RGB to detect
267 valid color name). */
268 sal_Int32 nColorToken = AttributeConversion::decodeToken( aColorName );
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 307 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
301 {
302 /* Simulate this modifier color by a color with related transformation.
303 The modifier amount has to be converted from the range [0;255] to
304 percentage [0;100000] used by DrawingML. */
305 aDmlColor.setSrgbClr( nPrimaryRgb );
306 aDmlColor.addTransformation( nModToken, static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nValue * ::oox::drawingml::MAX_PERCENT / 255 ) );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
307 return aDmlColor;
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 OSL_FAIL( OStringBuffer( "lclGetColor - invalid VML color name '" +
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 275 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
269 ::Color nRgbValue = Color::getVmlPresetColor( nColorToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
270 if( nRgbValue == API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
271 nRgbValue = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( nColorToken );
272 if( nRgbValue != API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
273 {
274 aDmlColor.setSrgbClr( nRgbValue );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
275 return aDmlColor;
276 }
278 // try palette colors enclosed in brackets
279 if( (aColorIndex.size() >= 3) && (aColorIndex[ 0 ] == '[') && (aColorIndex[ aColorIndex.size() - 1 ] == ']') )
280 {
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 315 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
309 }
310 }
312 OSL_FAIL( OStringBuffer( "lclGetColor - invalid VML color name '" +
313 OUStringToOString( roVmlColor.value(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) + "'" ).getStr() );
314 aDmlColor.setSrgbClr( nDefaultRgb );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
315 return aDmlColor;
316 }
318 void ConversionHelper::decodeVmlPath( ::std::vector< ::std::vector< Point > >& rPointLists, ::std::vector< ::std::vector< PolygonFlags > >& rFlagLists, std::u16string_view rPath )
319 {
320 ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > aCoordList;
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 253 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
247 separatePair( aColorName, aColorIndex, roVmlColor.value(), ' ' );
249 // RGB colors in the format '#RRGGBB'
250 if( (aColorName.size() == 7) && (aColorName[ 0 ] == '#') )
251 {
252 aDmlColor.setSrgbClr( o3tl::toUInt32(aColorName.substr( 1 ), 16) );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
253 return aDmlColor;
254 }
256 // RGB colors in the format '#RGB'
257 if( (aColorName.size() == 4) && (aColorName[ 0 ] == '#') )
258 {
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 242 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
236 aDmlColor.addTransformation( XML_alpha, nOpacity );
238 // color attribute not present - set passed default color
239 if( !roVmlColor.has_value() )
240 {
241 aDmlColor.setSrgbClr( nDefaultRgb );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
242 return aDmlColor;
243 }
245 // separate leading color name or RGB value from following palette index
246 std::u16string_view aColorName, aColorIndex;
247 separatePair( aColorName, aColorIndex, roVmlColor.value(), ' ' );
/oox/source/vml/vmlformatting.cxx: 282 in oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor(const oox::GraphicHelper &, const std::optional<rtl::OUString> &, std::optional<double>&, Color, Color)()
276 }
278 // try palette colors enclosed in brackets
279 if( (aColorIndex.size() >= 3) && (aColorIndex[ 0 ] == '[') && (aColorIndex[ aColorIndex.size() - 1 ] == ']') )
280 {
281 aDmlColor.setPaletteClr( o3tl::toInt32(aColorIndex.substr( 1, aColorIndex.size() - 2 )) );
>>> CID 1532469: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aDmlColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "Color".
282 return aDmlColor;
283 }
285 // try fill gradient modificator 'fill <modifier>(<amount>)'
286 if( (nPrimaryRgb != API_RGB_TRANSPARENT) && (nColorToken == XML_fill) )
287 {
** CID 1532468: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532468: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/table/predefined-table-styles.cxx: 905 in CreateTableStyle(const rtl::OUString &)()
899 pTableStyle->getFirstRow().getTextColor() = firstRowTextColor;
900 pTableStyle->getFirstCol().getTextColor() = firstColTextColor;
901 pTableStyle->getLastRow().getTextColor() = lastRowTextColor;
902 pTableStyle->getLastCol().getTextColor() = lastColTextColor;
903 pTableStyle->getBand1H().getTextColor() = band1HTextColor;
904 pTableStyle->getBand1V().getTextColor() = band1VTextColor;
>>> CID 1532468: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "band2HTextColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "operator =".
905 pTableStyle->getBand2H().getTextColor() = band2HTextColor;
906 pTableStyle->getBand2V().getTextColor() = band2VTextColor;
908 pTableStyle->getBackgroundFillProperties() = pTblBgFillProperties;
909 pTableStyle->getWholeTbl().getFillProperties() = pWholeTblFillProperties;
910 pTableStyle->getFirstRow().getFillProperties() = pFirstRowFillProperties;
** CID 1532467: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx: 554 in SvxGradientTabPage::ChangeGradientHdl_Impl()()
*** CID 1532467: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx: 554 in SvxGradientTabPage::ChangeGradientHdl_Impl()()
548 m_xLbColorTo->SetNoSelection();
549 m_xLbColorTo->SelectEntry(Color(pGradient->GetColorStops().back().getStopColor()));
551 // MCGR: preserve ColorStops if given.
552 // tdf#155901 We need offset of first and last stop, so include them.
553 if (pGradient->GetColorStops().size() >= 2)
>>> CID 1532467: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
>>> Using iterator "pGradient->GetColorStops()->begin()" from "pGradient->GetColorStops()" with "<temporary>".
554 m_aColorStops = basegfx::BColorStops(pGradient->GetColorStops().begin(),
555 pGradient->GetColorStops().end());
556 else
557 m_aColorStops.clear();
559 m_xMtrAngle->set_value(pGradient->GetAngle().get() / 10, FieldUnit::NONE); // should be changed in resource
** CID 1532466: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532466: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/chart/objectformatter.cxx: 859 in oox::drawingml::chart::<unnamed>::LineFormatter::convertFormatting(oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap &, const oox::drawingml::chart::ModelRef<oox::drawingml::Shape> &, int)()
853 {
854 LineProperties aLineProps;
855 if( mxAutoLine )
856 aLineProps.assignUsed( *mxAutoLine );
857 if( )
858 aLineProps.assignUsed( rxShapeProp->getLineProperties() );
>>> CID 1532466: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aLineProps.maLineFill.maFillColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "pushToPropMap".
859 aLineProps.pushToPropMap( rPropMap, mrData.mrFilter.getGraphicHelper(), getPhColor( nSeriesIdx ) );
860 }
862 FillFormatter::FillFormatter( ObjectFormatterData& rData, const AutoFormatEntry* pAutoFormatEntry, const ObjectType eObjType ) :
863 DetailFormatterBase( rData, pAutoFormatEntry )
864 {
** CID 1532465: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532465: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/textcharacterpropertiescontext.cxx: 238 in oox::drawingml::TextCharacterPropertiesContext::onCreateContext(int, const oox::AttributeList &)()
232 mrTextCharacterProperties.moUnderline = XML_none;
233 auto colorAttrib = rAttribs.getIntegerHex(W_TOKEN(color));
234 if (colorAttrib.has_value())
235 {
236 oox::drawingml::Color theColor;
237 theColor.setSrgbClr(colorAttrib.value());
>>> CID 1532465: Uninitialized variables (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "theColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "operator =".
238 mrTextCharacterProperties.maUnderlineColor = theColor;
239 }
240 break;
241 }
242 case W_TOKEN( spacing ):
243 {
** CID 1532464: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/svx/source/sidebar/area/AreaTransparencyGradientPopup.cxx: 90 in svx::sidebar::AreaTransparencyGradientPopup::InitStatus(const XFillFloatTransparenceItem *)()
*** CID 1532464: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/svx/source/sidebar/area/AreaTransparencyGradientPopup.cxx: 90 in svx::sidebar::AreaTransparencyGradientPopup::InitStatus(const XFillFloatTransparenceItem *)()
84 mxMtrTrgrStartValue->set_value(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aStart.GetRed()) + 1) * 100) / 255), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
85 mxMtrTrgrEndValue->set_value(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aEnd.GetRed()) + 1) * 100) / 255), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
87 // MCGR: preserve ColorStops if given
88 // tdf#155901 We need offset of first and last stop, so include them.
89 if (aGradient.GetColorStops().size() >= 2)
>>> CID 1532464: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
>>> Using iterator "aGradient.GetColorStops()->begin()" from "aGradient.GetColorStops()" with "<temporary>".
90 maColorStops = basegfx::BColorStops(aGradient.GetColorStops().begin(),
91 aGradient.GetColorStops().end());
92 else
93 maColorStops.clear();
95 mxMtrTrgrBorder->set_value(aGradient.GetBorder(), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
** CID 1532463: (UNINIT)
*** CID 1532463: (UNINIT)
/oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx: 1861 in oox::drawingml::Shape::createAndInsert(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const rtl::OUString &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, bool, bool, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, const oox::drawingml::FillProperties &, std::shared_ptr<oox::drawingml::Shape>)()
1855 aCharStyleProperties.maFillProperties.moFillType = XML_solidFill;
1856 }
1857 }
1858 }
1859 xText->setString("");
1860 Reference < XTextCursor > xAt = xText->createTextCursor();
>>> CID 1532463: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aCharStyleProperties.maUnderlineColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "insertAt".
1861 getTextBody()->insertAt( rFilterBase, xText, xAt, aCharStyleProperties, mpMasterTextListStyle );
1863 const TextParagraphVector& rParagraphs = getTextBody()->getParagraphs();
1864 if (!rParagraphs.empty())
1865 {
1866 const std::shared_ptr<TextParagraph>& pParagraph = rParagraphs[0];
/oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx: 1882 in oox::drawingml::Shape::createAndInsert(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const rtl::OUString &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, bool, bool, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, const oox::drawingml::FillProperties &, std::shared_ptr<oox::drawingml::Shape>)()
1876 }
1878 // tdf#144092 For empty textboxes push character styles &
1879 // endParaRPr into the Shape's properties
1880 if (rParagraphs.size() == 1 && pParagraph->getRuns().empty())
1881 {
>>> CID 1532463: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aCharStyleProperties.maUnderlineColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "getCharacterStyle".
1882 TextCharacterProperties aTextCharacterProps{ pParagraph->getCharacterStyle(
1883 aCharStyleProperties, *mpMasterTextListStyle,
1884 getTextBody()->getTextListStyle()) };
1885 aTextCharacterProps.assignUsed(pParagraph->getEndProperties());
1886 aTextCharacterProps.pushToPropSet(aPropertySet, rFilterBase);
1887 }
/oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx: 1861 in oox::drawingml::Shape::createAndInsert(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const rtl::OUString &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, bool, bool, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, const oox::drawingml::FillProperties &, std::shared_ptr<oox::drawingml::Shape>)()
1855 aCharStyleProperties.maFillProperties.moFillType = XML_solidFill;
1856 }
1857 }
1858 }
1859 xText->setString("");
1860 Reference < XTextCursor > xAt = xText->createTextCursor();
>>> CID 1532463: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aCharStyleProperties.maUnderlineColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "insertAt".
1861 getTextBody()->insertAt( rFilterBase, xText, xAt, aCharStyleProperties, mpMasterTextListStyle );
1863 const TextParagraphVector& rParagraphs = getTextBody()->getParagraphs();
1864 if (!rParagraphs.empty())
1865 {
1866 const std::shared_ptr<TextParagraph>& pParagraph = rParagraphs[0];
/oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx: 1882 in oox::drawingml::Shape::createAndInsert(oox::core::XmlFilterBase &, const rtl::OUString &, const oox::drawingml::Theme *, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, bool, bool, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &, const oox::drawingml::FillProperties &, std::shared_ptr<oox::drawingml::Shape>)()
1876 }
1878 // tdf#144092 For empty textboxes push character styles &
1879 // endParaRPr into the Shape's properties
1880 if (rParagraphs.size() == 1 && pParagraph->getRuns().empty())
1881 {
>>> CID 1532463: (UNINIT)
>>> Using uninitialized value "aCharStyleProperties.maUnderlineColor.meThemeColorType" when calling "getCharacterStyle".
1882 TextCharacterProperties aTextCharacterProps{ pParagraph->getCharacterStyle(
1883 aCharStyleProperties, *mpMasterTextListStyle,
1884 getTextBody()->getTextListStyle()) };
1885 aTextCharacterProps.assignUsed(pParagraph->getEndProperties());
1886 aTextCharacterProps.pushToPropSet(aPropertySet, rFilterBase);
1887 }
** CID 1532462: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/cui/source/tabpages/tptrans.cxx: 373 in SvxTransparenceTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet *)()
*** CID 1532462: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/cui/source/tabpages/tptrans.cxx: 373 in SvxTransparenceTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet *)()
367 m_xMtrTrgrStartValue->set_value(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aStart.GetRed()) + 1) * 100) / 255), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
368 m_xMtrTrgrEndValue->set_value(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aEnd.GetRed()) + 1) * 100) / 255), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
370 // MCGR: preserve ColorStops if given
371 // tdf#155901 We need offset of first and last stop, so include them.
372 if (rGradient.GetColorStops().size() >= 2)
>>> CID 1532462: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
>>> Using iterator "rGradient->GetColorStops()->begin()" from "rGradient->GetColorStops()" with "<temporary>".
373 maColorStops = basegfx::BColorStops(rGradient.GetColorStops().begin(), rGradient.GetColorStops().end());
374 else
375 maColorStops.clear();
377 // linear transparence
378 sal_uInt16 nTransp = pLinearItem->GetValue();
** CID 1532461: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/sd/source/ui/sidebar/SlideBackground.cxx: 409 in sd::sidebar::SlideBackground::Update()()
*** CID 1532461: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
/sd/source/ui/sidebar/SlideBackground.cxx: 409 in sd::sidebar::SlideBackground::Update()()
403 const Color aEndColor(aBGradient.GetColorStops().back().getStopColor());
404 mxFillGrad2->SelectEntry(aEndColor);
406 // MCGR: preserve ColorStops if given.
407 // tdf#155901 We need offset of first and last stop, so include them.
408 if (aBGradient.GetColorStops().size() >= 2)
>>> CID 1532461: Memory - corruptions (MISMATCHED_ITERATOR)
>>> Using iterator "aBGradient.GetColorStops()->begin()" from "aBGradient.GetColorStops()" with "<temporary>".
409 maColorStops = basegfx::BColorStops(aBGradient.GetColorStops().begin(),
410 aBGradient.GetColorStops().end());
411 else
412 maColorStops.clear();
413 }
414 break;
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