Offset uniqueness in vector of ColorSteps

Thorsten Behrens thb at
Wed Mar 22 08:45:12 UTC 2023

Hi Tomaž,

Tomaž Vajngerl wrote:
> Looking at the com::sun::star::awt::ColorStop I would prefer it to be more
> easily extendable - probably best to be an XInterface or something. I will
> quite soon have to add at least a XThemeColor element to the ColorStop, so
> I can add theme colors support for the gradients. Another missing thing is
> alpha support, which is missing but supported in OOXML and MSO office
> supports setting that on the UI.
XInterface sounds a bit heavy-weight - if the work happens before the
feature freeze for 7.6, a simple struct, were you can add stuff over
time, is IMO better for something we might end up having tons of
instances for?

Perhaps for some additional inspirations,
com/sun/star/rendering/Color*.idl took a slightly different approach
to color definitions (not saying it's better..).


-- Thorsten
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