7.6.0 Build fails in Cygwin - weird path

Yan Kleimiuk yan at protosure.io
Wed Sep 13 21:26:18 UTC 2023

I'm having a weird path bug upon compilation:

D:/lo/src/core/external/skia/source/SkMemory_malloc.cxx(6,10): fatal error:
cannot open file 'C:/gnu/JDK-11~1.2/include\include/core/SkTypes.h': The
file cannot be accessed by the system.
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
C:/gnu/JDK-11~1.2/include is correct, and include/core/SkTypes.h exists,
although in another include path. Please help me figure out why would they
get joined and ruin the compilation.
For reference, down here is the full execution line from "make -d" which
gives me the same error, but works if I remove the JDK paths.

S=D:/lo/src/core && B=D:/lo/bld && I=$B/instdir && W=$B/workdir &&  mkdir
-p $W/CxxObject/external/skia/source/
$W/Dep/CxxObject/external/skia/source/ && unset INCLUDE &&  export
CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=pch_defines,time_macros VSLANG=1033
-DZLIB_CONST -utf-8 -std:c++17 -permissive- -Zc:__cplusplus,preprocessor
-Gd -GR -Gs -GS -Gy -MD -nologo -wd4127 -wd4201 -wd4244 -wd4250 -wd4251
-wd4267 -wd4275 -wd4505 -wd4611 -wd4706 -bigobj -Wv:18 -FS -Zi -Oy-
-FIsrc/utils/win/SkDWriteNTDDI_VERSION.h -DLIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY -showIncludes
-w -O2  -EHs -DNOMINMAX  -D_AMD64_=1 -Zc:inline  -I$W/UnpackedTarball/zlib
-I$W/UnpackedTarball/libpng -I$W/UnpackedTarball/libjpeg-turbo
-I$W/UnpackedTarball/zlib -I$S/include
-IC:/gnu/JDK-11~1.2/include/win32 -IC:/gnu/JDK-11~1.2/include
 -I$B/config_host      -I$W/UnpackedTarball/skia
-I$S/external/skia/inc/  -Fd$W/LinkTarget/Library/skialo.dll.objects.pdb -c
-Fo$W/CxxObject/external/skia/source/skia_opts.o |
-vsourcefile=D:/lo/src/core/external/skia/source/skia_opts.cxx; exit

Thank you
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