Firebird not experimental

Robert Großkopf robert at
Tue Aug 27 14:48:16 UTC 2024

Hi *,
> Moreover
> 1) we still use FB 3.0.7 whereas 2 major releases have been published (4 
> and 5) and version 6 is in dev.
> At minimum, we should upgrade to version 5 to avoid trying to fix bugs 
> on a old FB version.

What would happen with all the old Firebid databases then? Might be a 
good idea first to put to newest version and then to set non 
experimental, but there are many people already using internal Firebird 
and it should work without any problems when changing version of LO (and 
changing Firebird-version this way).
> 2) what about the existing odb with HSQL Embedded, should we propose 
> migration towards FB each time knowing there are still quite some bugs 
> about it?

I would prefer to add a special switch like "don't ask again". So old 
HSQLDB still would exist
> 3) there are not a lot of bugs about FB LO implementation per se because 
> it's experimental but we may expect a fload of them if FB is not 
> experimental again => who will take in charge the fload ?

Every new database I create for other people or companies I create as 
Firebird database. A lot of bugs have been fixed. If you know where to 
look for you will get a good working database…



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