[a11y] LibreOffice Calc exposes 2^31 children, freezes on `GetChildren`

Michael Weghorn m.weghorn at posteo.de
Mon Jun 10 14:22:40 UTC 2024

Thanks for the additional explanations!

On 2024-06-07 15:20, Luuk van der Duim wrote:
> What any screen-reader/AT would like is to offer best response times to 
> users by caching objects up-front to minimize IPC round trips between AT 
> and application.
> For `atspi` we would like to offer a cache for any AT to use. A tree 
> with a subset of data and keep that up-to-date by listening for signals.
> You are right LibreOffice does not proactively send a 96G array but it 
> does offer `GetChildren` on the public bus which will.

When it comes to the AT-SPI `GetChildren` method, LibreOffice only 
implements functions to get the child count and to get a child at a 
given index, calling both of which should be unproblematic 
performance-wise by themselves (i.e. in particular when not iterating 
over all children).

If you're using the gtk3 VCL plugin (UI variant), the `GetChildren` 
implementation is provided by ATK/atk-adaptor (which is now part of the 
at-spi2-core git repo) and iterates over all of the children, causing 
the problems you describe.

> It means one can never call `GetChildren` on that object because it 
> makes no sense. It makes naively building a tree like the example 
> program [1] does is impossible because LibreOffice Calc wants to return 
> something that in practical terms no-one can handle.
> (...)
> In practical sense, if your array of children is huge, please make sure 
> to not exceed D-Bus message limit of 128MB.
> (...)
> Could LibreOffice please limit the reply-message to something reasonably 
> sized? (Or at least legally sized?) This is currently a bit of a 
> foot-gun with a public interface.

I've submitted a merge request to at-spi2-core to limit the maximum 
amount of children to return, similar to what an earlier change did when 
using the Collection interface:

Does that help?

(Of course, this doesn't mean that the way that LibreOffice shouldn't 
eventually optimize handling of how Calc cells are reported on the a11y 
level altogether, but as I mentioned, there are still open questions 
related to that, so that IMHO needs more discussion + effort to implement.)
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