
Caolán McNamara caolan.mcnamara at collabora.com
Mon May 13 07:48:10 UTC 2024

On Sun, 2024-05-12 at 21:00 +0300, Даблус wrote:
> Hello. I want to try to run oss-fuzz tests by myself, but i found no
> info about it. I found some scripts in the "bin" folder, like oss-
> fuzz-setup.sh and oss-fuzz-build.sh, and found that I should use
> clang, but I found nothing about the environment. I can build
> LibreOffice with clang, but if i run oss-fuzz-build, i get a lot of
> errors after postprocess step
> What environment should i use and how should i run fuzzing correctly?

The fuzzing stuff is organized for the oss-fuzz environment so that's
the case that gets used and is known to work so:

git clone https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz.git
cd oss-fuzz
python infra/helper.py shell libreoffice

should successfully build the default fuzzer config in the oss-fuzz
provided docker images


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