GSOC More and Better Tests: Weekly Update

Adam Seskunas adamseskunas at
Mon May 27 15:07:44 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

Here is my weekly update for my GSOC project, More and Better Tests. On Thursday, I met with Hossein and Xisco, we discussed the timeline for the project and some specifics around the porting of JUnit tests to CppUnit.

We discussed updating the project proposal timeline to reflect which tests will be written and when. The updated proposal can be found on NextCloud here <>, the specific tests I will be working on are mentioned in the timeline.

We decided that I should start with porting framework/qa/complex/XTitle/ and framework/qa/complex/desktop/ These two tests are enabled and currently pass, which should make the process of porting to CppUnit a little easier.

I started working on the first test; framework/qa/complex/XTitle/ making some good progress and should hopefully have something submitted to Gerrit later this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the latest.

Currently I’m planning on submitting the JUnit ports under this <> bug report in Gerrit, unless anyone has any opinions that they should go elsewhere.

That’s it for now, in the coming week I’m going to be working on porting my first four tests.

Adam Seskunas
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