GSoC Week 1 Update: LUA UNO Language Binding in LibreOffice

Venetia R Furtado venetiarosita at
Fri May 31 16:26:42 UTC 2024


I started this week spending some time going over the fundamentals of the
LUA language. I then wrote a simple program referring to online resources
for a LUA C++ language binding which internally used the LUA C API. This
gave me a very basic understanding of how language bindings work with UNO.

Following this, as discussed during my meeting with Stephan, I edited the
SDK example SimpleBootstrap_Cpp by changing the  "private:factory/scalc" to
"private:factory/swriter" to open a Writer document instead and then
printed "Hello World" into that writer document. These changes have been

I am currently working on writing the language binding for LUA  in order to
access the XComponent of this SDK example in LUA.

Venetia Furtado
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