loext namespace in ODF strict

Michael Stahl mst at libreoffice.org
Wed Nov 6 17:41:40 UTC 2024

On 06/11/2024 15:57, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Hi all,
> with ODF 1.4 we get an attribute draw:extrusion-metal-type. Its value is 
> a QName. The default value is 'draw:MetalODF' and the value we use for 
> MS compatibility is 'loext:MetalMSCompatible'. Using 
> 'draw:MetalMSCompatible' is not allowed.
> Currently validation fails, because loext is not registered as namespace 
> prefix in ODF strict and thus 'loext:MetalMSCompatible' is no valid QName.
> It will be detected as valid QName, when I move
>          mpNamespaceMap->Add(
>                  GetXMLToken(XML_NP_LO_EXT), GetXMLToken(XML_N_LO_EXT),
>                  XML_NAMESPACE_LO_EXT);
> up from the "extended" section to the "strict" section in 
> SvXMLExport::InitCtor_() in xmloff/source/core/xmlexp.cxx.
> But I'm not sure, whether that is the correct place to solve the problem.

... there's a bit of a risk that this will make it easier to 
"accidentally" write extended attributes in strict ODF export ...

> Is there a way to add a namespace when it is actually needed? I mean to 
> add it when a shape uses this attribute?

suspect that calling SvXMLExport::EnsureNamespace() with the URL could 
just work?  although the prefix (which is returned) will be "gen0" or 
something, not "loext".  but that shouldn't be a problem?

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