ESC meeting agenda: 2024-10-31 16:00 CET

Thorsten Behrens thb at
Wed Oct 30 23:31:40 UTC 2024


The prototype agenda is below. Extra items are appreciated either in
this document or as a reply to this mail:

You can join using Jitsi here:

Please note the change in DST - 1600 CET is now 1500 UTC!

Cheers, Thorsten


* Present:

* Completed Action Items:

* Pending Action Items:
   + create a wiki page (Cloph)
     + alpha 1: week 47
     + code freeze: around week 1

* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
   + 24.8.3 rc2 next week: 
   + 24.2.7 release next week

* Documentation (Olivier)
     + Helpcontents2
     + Guides
     + Bugzilla Documentation statistics
         229(229) bugs open
     + Updates:
         BZ changes   1 week   1 month   3 months   12 months  
            created     1(1)     12(12)    112(112)   257(257) 
          commented     3(3)     33(33)    341(341)   993(993) 
           resolved     0(0)      5(5)      67(67)    170(170) 
     + top 10 contributors:
           Bogdan B made 10 changes in 1 month, and 22 changes in 1 year
           Nabet, Julien made 10 changes in 1 month, and 56 changes in 1 year
           Pierre F made 5 changes in 1 month, and 223 changes in 1 year
           Ilmari Lauhakangas made 4 changes in 1 month, and 120 changes in 1 year
           m.a.riosv made 4 changes in 1 month, and 35 changes in 1 year
           Kaganski, Mike made 3 changes in 1 month, and 75 changes in 1 year
           Olivier Hallot made 3 changes in 1 month, and 336 changes in 1 year
           Dione Maddern made 2 changes in 1 month, and 106 changes in 1 year
           Ticrob made 2 changes in 1 month, and 2 changes in 1 year
           Xisco Fauli made 2 changes in 1 month, and 5 changes in 1 year

* UX Update (Heiko)
     + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
         233(233) (topicUI) bugs open, 40(40) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
     + Updates:
         BZ changes   1 week     1 month    3 months   12 months   
              added      12(12)     23(23)     28(28)      35(35)  
          commented     108(108)   176(176)   369(369)   1712(1712)
            removed       1(1)       2(2)       3(3)       12(12)  
           resolved       9(9)      13(13)     58(58)     258(258) 
     + top 10 contributors:
           Heiko Tietze made 85 changes in 1 month, and 916 changes in 1 year
           Vernon, Stuart Foote made 74 changes in 1 month, and 418 changes in 1 year
           Eyal Rozenberg made 73 changes in 1 month, and 206 changes in 1 year
           Ilmari Lauhakangas made 22 changes in 1 month, and 176 changes in 1 year
           Kelemen, Gabor made 20 changes in 1 month, and 42 changes in 1 year
           Dieter made 16 changes in 1 month, and 131 changes in 1 year
           Sarper Akdemir made 12 changes in 1 month, and 21 changes in 1 year
           Henschel, Regina made 8 changes in 1 month, and 54 changes in 1 year
           Seth Chaiklin made 7 changes in 1 month, and 27 changes in 1 year
           Dennis Roczek made 6 changes in 1 month, and 6 changes in 1 year

* Crash Reporting (Caolan)
     + 25(+0) import failure, 23(+0) export failures
     + ??? coverity issues
     + Google / ossfuzz: ?? fuzzers active now

* Crash Reporting (from
     +    2952(+0)
     +    21059(+0)
     +    17394(+0)
     +    15065(+0)

* Mentoring (Hossein)

           committer...   1 week     1 month      3 months     12 months     
                   open      76(76)     108(108)     158(158)      162(162)  
                reviews     530(530)   1244(1244)   3434(3434)   13388(13388)
                 merged     322(322)   1207(1207)   3599(3599)   13890(13890)
              abandoned      10(10)      37(37)      177(177)      765(765)  
            own commits     206(206)    826(826)    2592(2592)    9934(9934) 
         review commits     104(104)    260(260)     733(733)     3187(3187) 
         contributor...   1 week       1 month      3 months     12 months     
                   open      119(119)     359(359)     399(399)      401(401)  
                reviews     1118(1118)   2894(2894)   8164(8164)   30844(30844)
                 merged       55(55)      106(106)     321(321)     1331(1331) 
              abandoned        3(3)        11(11)       60(60)       554(554)  
            own commits       65(65)      124(124)     316(316)     1331(1331) 
         review commits        0(0)         0(0)         0(0)          0(0)    
     + easyHack statistics:
        needsDevEval 8(8)   needsUXEval 1(1)   cleanup_comments 332(332)   
        total 419(419)   assigned 27(27)   open 355(355)   
     + top 10 contributors:
           Bogdan B made 36 patches in 1 month, and 123 patches in 1 year
           Armin Le Grand (allotropia) made 6 patches in 1 month, and 83 patches in 1 year
           Dr. David Alan Gilbert made 6 patches in 1 month, and 31 patches in 1 year
           Mohit Marathe made 5 patches in 1 month, and 16 patches in 1 year
           Pierre F made 4 patches in 1 month, and 88 patches in 1 year
           Sahil Gautam made 3 patches in 1 month, and 10 patches in 1 year
           Kira Tubo made 3 patches in 1 month, and 29 patches in 1 year
           Ashok made 3 patches in 1 month, and 6 patches in 1 year
           Aditya (Addy) Sahu made 3 patches in 1 month, and 3 patches in 1 year
           Xuan Chen made 2 patches in 1 month, and 6 patches in 1 year
     + top 10 reviewers:
           Xisco Fauli made 130 review comments in 1 month, and 820 in 1 year
           Caolán McNamara made 96 review comments in 1 month, and 1380 in 1 year
           Vajna, Miklos made 92 review comments in 1 month, and 1154 in 1 year
           Thorsten Behrens made 88 review comments in 1 month, and 696 in 1 year
           Nabet, Julien made 84 review comments in 1 month, and 894 in 1 year
           Michael Stahl made 70 review comments in 1 month, and 860 in 1 year
           Adolfo Jayme Barrientos made 58 review comments in 1 month, and 854 in 1 year
           Ilmari Lauhakangas made 58 review comments in 1 month, and 644 in 1 year
           Gabor Kelemen made 56 review comments in 1 month, and 204 in 1 year
           Grandin, Noel made 54 review comments in 1 month, and 684 in 1 year
     + Patches automatically abandoned:
         sw: disable header if empty ( Tomaž Vajngerl )
         tdf#132007 improve password message locked document ( Devansh Varshney )
     + big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:
           Samuel Abraham abrahamadekunle50 at 
           Samuel Adesola adesolasamuel2022 at 
           Chizoba ODINAKA chizobajames21 at 
           Abrar Emad at 
           muluh godsonmuluh at 
           Melvin George melvingeorge204 at 
           Ndidi Ogboi ndidiamakaogboi at 

* Commit Access

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Miklos/László/Gabriel)
   + newly certified: (Stephan)
     + Jonathan Clark, TDF
     + Oliver Specht, CIB
     + Rafael Lima, Federal University of Technology - Paraná
   + reset timer to 1 week (limit: 20 weeks)

* Jenkins / CI update (Cloph)

* Feature locking (Andreas)
   + <> "Remove blocking functions feature from core"
   + re-visit from last week - any new views?

* What’s cooking (Miklos)
   + A11y update (Michael W)
   + RTL/CTL/CJK update (Jonathan)
   + Playing with a new baseline with Windows: 2012R2 to Windows 11 & VS 2022 (Cloph)
   + PVS-Studio update (Xisco)

* QA update (Xisco)

     + UNCONFIRMED: 1375 (+1375)
         + enhancements: 340  (+340)
         + needsUXEval: 20 (+20)
         + haveBackTrace: 11 (+11)
         + needsDevAdvice: 48 (+48)
         + documentation:  3 (+3)
         + android:  0 (+0)
         + iOS:  0 (+0)
         + Online:  9 (+9)

     + Most pressing bugs:
         + None
         + File crash in LibreOffice Writer when selecting and copying content
             + Thanks to Xisco

     + New high severity bugs of the week:
         + Icon themes need to include metadata and different variants in one package, possibly adopt the spec (comment 8) and refactor to that

* QA stats
       +133  +0 (-93) overall)
       many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        QA Administrators       10
        Justin L                7
        Buovjaga                6
        Heiko Tietze            6
        m_a_riosv               6
        Michael Weghorn         5
        Noel Grandin            5
        Julien Nabet            4
        László Németh           3
        V Stuart Foote          3

     + top 10 bugs reporters:
        Eyal Rozenberg          27
        peter josvai            3
        Elmar                   2
        FredrikL                2
        Landon                  2
        Manu                    2
        Vaibhavi                2
        Xisco Faulí             2
        neswal.peter            2
        Cor Nouws               1

     + top 10 bugs fixers:
        Grandin, Noel           5
        Jim Raykowski           2
        Jonathan Clark          2
        Justin Luth             2
        Németh, László          2
        Weghorn, Michael        2
        Balazs Varga            1
        Caolán McNamara         1
        Heiko Tietze            1
        Ilmari Lauhakangas      1

     + top 10 bugs confirmers:
        Heiko Tietze            15
        m.a.riosv               10
        Ilmari Lauhakangas      8
        Xisco Fauli             4
        Dieter                  3
        Raal                    3
        Weghorn, Michael        3
        *UNKNOWN*               2
        Ady                     2
        Nabet, Julien           2

* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
    + more accurate - down to a single commit.

      done by:
         Raal                   3
         Justin Luth            1
         Kelemen, Gabor         1
         Stéphane Guillou       1
         Xisco Fauli            1

* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'

      done by:
         Raal                   3
         Dennis Roczek          1
         Justin Luth            1
         Kelemen, Gabor         1
         Stéphane Guillou       1
         Xisco Fauli            1

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 1211(+1211) bugs open of 13692(+13692) total 19(+0) high prio.

      done by:
         m.a.riosv              2
         Raal                   2
         Kelemen, Gabor         1
         Kaganski, Mike         1
         Németh, László         1
         Xisco Fauli            1

* ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
      Writer        - 9(+0)
      Calc          - 5(+0)
      Impress       - 2(+0)
      LibreOffice   - 2(+0)
      UI            - 1(+0)

    by OS:
      All           - 12(+0)
      Linux         - 5(+0)
      Mac OS X      - 0(+0)
      Windows       - 2(+0)

* ~Component   count net * all regressions
      Writer: other            - 396(+0)
      Calc                     - 244(+0)
      Impress                  - 125(+0)
      LibreOffice              - 52(+0)
      Draw                     - 48(+0)
      Writer: docx filter      - 43(+0)
      Base                     - 38(+0)
      Crashes                  - 38(+0)
      UI                       - 33(+0)
      Writer: perf             - 33(+0)
      Borders                  - 32(+0)
      Writer: other filter     - 31(+0)
      Printing and PDF export  - 26(+0)
      Chart                    - 24(+0)
      RTL                      - 24(+0)
      BASIC                    - 22(+0)
      filters and storage      - 20(+0)
      Writer: doc filter       - 17(+0)
      Formula Editor           - 12(+0)
      graphics stack           - 12(+0)
      framework                - 3(+0)
      sdk                      - 3(+0)
      Extensions               - 2(+0)
      Linguistic               - 2(+0)

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