Missing Patches on LibreOffice master

Andreas Mantke maand at gmx.de
Thu Sep 26 17:54:00 UTC 2024

Hi Noel, hi all,

Am 26.09.24 um 08:00 schrieb Noel Grandin:
> Hi
> On Wed, 25 Sept 2024 at 20:28, Andreas Mantke <maand at gmx.de> wrote:
>     >
>     it's the duty of every member of TDF to support the foundation, its
>     purposes, goals and its community (including the source code etc. the
>     community is working on) in the first place and to put private (etc.)
>     interests aside (if you like it or not).
> Rubbish.
> There is no commitment, implied or explicit, for people to put aside
> their other interests in favour of TDF.
> There is also no commitment for people to do work for other people in
> the foundation.
> In this specific situation, you even seem to think that other people
> are required to meet your requests within some time bound.
> That is not how this works. You are free to ask, but as volunteers, we
> are under no obligation to assist.
> If you need a set of patches in a git branch, it is extremely easy for
> you to maintain your own branch of master, either as a personal branch
> on gerrit, or on your own git server.
it's always interesting to read statements on the view of the (Open
Source / Free Software) community and the commitment (or non-commitment)
to the charity organization The Document Foundation and the purpose and
goals of that organization.


## Free Software Advocate
## Free Online Office (LibreOffice Technology):
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:http://www.amantke.de/blog
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