<div dir="ltr">There is the need for an "unicode editor" to be implemented in LiberOffice. <br><br>It will allow you to select a certain
unicode range, such as a
specific language or script, and then choose from a number of fonts that
support that range, or give the opportunity to download or buy a font
that supports that range. <br><br>Liboffice apps can offer a choice between
"type mode" and "unicode mode." <br><br>Libreoffice should come with all free
unicode fonts. <br><br>There should be an option on the toolbar that asks you to
select mode, and you can select from "type" and "unicode." <br><br>After you've
selected mode, there should be a box that asks you to
select an unicode range, and then another box should ask to select from
an number of unicode fonts. <br><br>The boxes should say "Select unicode range"
and "Select unicode font."<br><br>Right now, there are countless unicode fonts but only Arial Unicode
MS that's publicly available. For users of different scripts and
languages, they need to install extra fonts. Putting in all free unicode
fonts in the package will make it easier to type in non-western
european characters. You don't need to buy extra fonts and have the
ability to select from multiple unicode fonts that support a certain
range.<br><br>Users don't need to know which Unicode fonts that support their range.
They simply input their range of choice, and the software tells them the
fonts that they can use. The software itself should come with all free
Unicod fonts, and give the option of buying market ones.<br><br><div class=""><div id=":396" class="" tabindex="0"><img class="" src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif"></div></div><br><br></div>