<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hello everyone,<br></div>since I am posting for the first time, I would like to say official "Thanks" to all of you who employ enthusiasm to maintain this valuable piece of software. <br><br></div>I am trying to build Libreoffice form sources, on a custom linux distro, and ran into few problems, so I would try to extract only important information:<br><ul><li>building form tarball: libreoffice-</li><li>Linux disto I am using is based on musl libc, and I applied alipne Linux pathches (libreoffice builds on alpine linux, just a note)</li><li>environment is set up by the way it is described on your wiki documentation about Linux builds, plus I set up some additional tweaks to be able to run build at all. These details perhaps are so not important in this initial message.</li></ul><p>Builds goes pretty far (around 45 mins on my i7 laptop), and at one point i get linker errors, which I will post only a portion:</p><p>[DEP] LNK:Library/liblocaledata_es.so<br>[LNK] Library/liblocaledata_es.so<br>[DEP] LNK:Library/liblocaledata_euro.so<br>[LNK] Library/liblocaledata_euro.so<br>[DEP] LNK:Library/liblocaledata_others.so<br>[LNK] Library/liblocaledata_others.so<br>/mnt/userfs/home/builddir/libreoffice- In function `getCollatorImplementation_es_AR':<br>localedata_es_AR.cxx:(.text+0xa0): undefined reference to `getCollatorImplementation_en_US'<br>/mnt/userfs/home/builddir/libreoffice- In function `getCollationOptions_es_AR':<br>localedata_es_AR.cxx:(.text+0xba): undefined reference to `getCollationOptions_en_US'<br>/mnt/userfs/home/builddir/libreoffice- In function `getSearchOptions_es_AR':<br>localedata_es_AR.cxx:(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to `getSearchOptions_en_US'<br></p><div><div><div><div>I noticed that it has to do with: i18npool/source/localedata/<a href="http://genstaticheader.pl">genstaticheader.pl</a>, but my question is "Am I missing something obvious, like a configure switch that I shall apply", or "Do you have any idea what may cause this error"<br></div><div><br></div><div>Thanks in advance<br></div><div>Dimitrije Dinic<br>