<div dir="ltr">Hi,<div><br></div><div>Sorry for sending the report a bit late, I was waiting for an under review patch to get merged.</div><div>Work Done :-</div><div>* The Inspector panel's predefined sizing led to a vertical scroll bar inside the sidebar's vertical sidebar. Resolved at tdf#135344</div><div>* Set Ellipsize for proper viewing of properties in Inspector</div><div>* All the "Border" related properties are stored in STRUCT in UNO API, Added support to view them properly in the Inspector</div><div>* Fixed LO crash when using a macro with Inspector enabled. tdf#135528 tdf#135491. MERGED</div><div><br></div><div>To Do -</div><div>* Make a uno command to launch Inspector</div><div>* Start writing documentation of SI on a new page in LibreOffice's Wiki.</div><div><br></div><div>The Styles Inspector is in a very good shape for testing. I request everyone to use the panel and list any bugs found or feature requests on Meta tdf#134554.</div><div>The Inspector can be accessed from the sidebar.</div><div>Thank you!</div><div><br></div><div>sincerely,</div><div>Shivam Kumar Singh</div></div>